
Preferred provider Invisalign for Kids and Adults

The Invisalign system offers the results of braces, without wearing braces. The systems is a series of custom-molded clear trays that guide teeth into proper alignment. Invisalign trays are virtually invisible when worn, and are removable for mealtimes and cleaning. It’s a discreet, convenient, modern alternative to traditional metal braces that are attached for months or years.

Treatment for Children and Teens

People of all ages can benefit from orthodontics, but the teen and pre-teen years remain the best time for treatment, since the jaw is still growing. Treatments are generally shorter and simpler, and patients can begin to reap the health and aesthetic benefits sooner.

Children may be wary of orthodontic treatment because they are afraid it will hurt. The good news is that modern orthodontic treatment involves little or no discomfort.

The American Dental Association recommends that a child receive their first orthodontic assessment at age seven. This basic examination can identify emerging problems that will benefit from treatment as the adult teeth come in (interceptive treatment), or problems that are best monitored, and treated when adult teeth have emerged in the early teen years.

Treatments for Adults

Subtle treatment, Visible Results

It’s estimated that one third of today’s orthodontic patients are over 18. Treatments typically take longer than those for teenage patients, but still yield great results.

Your smile and the confidence to display it more often is reason enough to explore orthodontic treatment, but the benefits may go much further. In general, straight teeth are healthier teeth – easier to clean, less prone to decay. Correcting misalignments may also help to alleviate other health concerns.

Virtually unnoticeable new alternatives to traditional metal braces are further tipping the scales in favor of treatment for adults

Invisalign treatment isn’t braces at all, but a series of custom-molded clear aligners that are virtually invisible when worn.